When assigning cameras to a room layout, it is necessary to also configure the model of the cameras. Each model has a specific interface and settings, and this page will guide you through the configuration process. Pick your model in the list and follow the configuration steps.

⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Angekis IP-20FHD6-BM.

Angekis 1-bis

2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • The page here-above appears, and you should get a video preview.

Angekis 2

3. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on Settings in the top right menu of the page.
  • Click on Video Encode in the left menu.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot here-above.

Angekis 3

4. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on Image Adjust in the left menu.
  • Click on the Image tab in the menu under the preview.
  • Select the image orientation:
    – For upside-down orientation, select both Mirror and Flip.
    – For normal/bottom orientation, unselect both Mirror and Flip.

Angekis 4

5. Disable audio:

  • Click on Audio Settings in the left menu.
  • Unselect Audio State.

Angekis 5

6. Reboot the camera:

  • Click on Reset Options in the left menu.
  • Click on Reboot.

Angekis 6

7. Firmware:

  • Click on Firmware Upgrade in the left menu.
  • The Angekis camera has only been validated with the firmware here-above.

Angekis 7

⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Aver Cam520Pro2.

Add camera in layout

2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • The page here-below appears, and you should get a video preview.

Website of the camera

3. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on Settings in the left menu.
  • Scroll down to Settings.
  • Select the image orientation:
    • For upside-down orientation, activate both Image Flip and Image Mirror.
    • For normal/bottom orientation, deactivate both Image Flip and Image Mirror.

Camera settings

4. Configure the VISCA protocol:

  • Scroll down to RS232.
  • Set the protocol to Visca.
  • Set Visca Over IP to On.

Visca protocol

5. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on the Video Format tab in the left menu.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the two screenshots here-below.

Video settings 1

Video settings 2

6. Reboot the camera.

7. Firmware:

  • Click on System in the left menu.
  • The AVER camera has only been validated with the firmware indicated in the Information section of the screenshot here-below.

Firmware of the camera

⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Avonic CM70.


2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials.
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • The page here-above appears, and you should get a video preview.


3. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on the Video tab in the top right menu of the page.
  • Click on Video Encoder in the left menu.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot here below:


4. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on the Video tab in the top right menu of the page.
  • Click on Camera Settings in the left menu.
  • Click on Image in the menu under the preview.
  • Make sure Audio Flip is set on ON.


5. Reboot the camera:

  • Click on the System tab in the top right menu of the page.
  • Click on Reboot in the left menu.
  • Click on the Reboot button.


6. Firmware:

  • The Avonic CM70 camera has only been validated with the firmware here-below:


⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Lumens VC-A50P.


2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: 9999
  • The page here-below appears, and you should get a video preview.


3. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on the Video tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot here below:

4. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on the Camera tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Click on the Mirror tab in the bottom menu.
  • For upside-down orientation, select Mirror + Flip.
  • For normal/bottom orientation, select Off.


5. Disable audio:

  • Click on the Audio tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Uncheck Audio Enable.


6. Reboot the camera.

7. Firmware version:

  • Click on the About tab in the left menu of the page to check the firmware version of your camera.



⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Lumens VC-A51P.

Add camera in room layout

2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials.
    • Username: admin
    • Password: 9999
  • The page here-below appears, and you should get a video preview.

Video settings of the camera

3. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on the Video tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot below.

Video settings of the camera

4. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on the Camera tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Click on the Mirror tab in the bottom menu.
  • For upside-down orientation, select Mirror + Flip.
  • For normal/bottom orientation, select OFF.

Camera settings of the camera

5. Disable audio:

  • Click on the Audio tab in the left menu of the page.
  • Uncheck Audio Enable.

Audio settings of the camera

6. Reboot the camera.

7. Firmware version:

  • Click on the About tab in the left menu of the page to check the firmware version of your camera.
  • The Lumens camera has only been validated with the firmware indicated in the screenshot below.

Firmware version of the camera

⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: Panasonic AW-HE40 or AW-HN40.

2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • The page below appears, and you should get a video preview.

Preview of the camera

3. Enter the default credentials of the camera:

  • Click on the Setup tab in the left menu.
  • Enter the default login credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: 12345
  • Click on Power ON at the bottom of the left menu.
  • Set the priority to IP.
  • Click on the Set button to save the settings.

Credentials of the camera

4. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on Image/Audio in the left menu.
  • Click on the Video over IP tab on top of the page.

Video settings 1

  • Scroll down to H.264(1).
  • Make sure that all the settings of that section are the same as in the screenshot opposite.
  • Click on the Set button under the H.264(1) section to save the settings.

Video settings 2

5. Configure the audio settings:

  • Click on Image/Audio in the left menu.
  • Click on the Audio tab on top of the page.
  • Make sure that the Audio is set to Off.

Audio settings

6. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click on Image/Audio in the left menu.
  • Click on the System tab on top of the page.
  • Scroll down to the Others section and set the Install Position as follows:
    • Desktop for normal position.
    • Hanging for upside down position.
  • Click on the Set button under the Others section to save the settings.

Camera settings

7. Reboot the camera:

  • Click on Maintenance in the left menu.
  • Click on the Default reset tab on top of the page.
  • In the Reboot section, click on the Execute button.
  • Confirm the reboot request.

Reboot the camera

⚠️ To avoid detection issues, make sure to power on the cameras first and leave them on for a few seconds before powering on the Gateway.

1. Add the camera in the Room Layout:

  • Enter the IP address of the camera.
  • Select the orientation of the camera (all orientations are supported).
  • Select the following camera brand: PTZ Optics PT12X SDI GY G2.

Select camera in room layout

2. Go to the website of the camera:

  • Enter the following URL in the address bar:
  • Enter the default login credentials.
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • The page here-below appears, and you should get a video preview.

Go to the website of the camera

3. Configure the video settings:

  • Click on Video in the left menu of the page.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot below.
  • Click on Apply if changes have been made.

Configure the video settings

4. Configure the camera settings:

  • Click the Camera tab in the left menu of the page.
  • For upside-down orientation, select both Flip and Mirror.
  • For upside-down orientation, unselect both Flip and Mirror.
  • Click on Apply if changes have been made.

Configure the camera settings

5. Disable audio:

  • Click on Audio in the left menu of the page.
  • Set Audio Switch to Off.
  • Click on Apply if changes have been made.

Disable audio

6. Configure the network settings:

  • Click on Network in the left menu of the page.
  • Make sure that all the settings are the same as in the screenshot opposite.

Configure the network settings

7. Reboot the camera:

  • Click on System in the left menu of the page.
  • Click on Reboot.

Reboot the camera

8. Firmware version:

  • Click on Information in the left menu of the page to check the firmware version of your camera.
  • The PTZ Optics camera camera has only been validated with the firmware indicated in the screenshot below.


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