In hybrid mode, you can access the meeting portal both ways:

  • By logging in to a physical unit first, then to the Confero Plarform,
  • By logging to the Confero platform first, then to a physical unit

Log in to a physical unit first, then to the Confero Platform

Log in to the physical unit in the meeting room (via the badge, fingerprint, keypad code, etc.).

Log in to the physical unit

Log in to the Confero Platform and click on Join meeting on top of your dashboard:


The meeting portal opens:

Meeting portal for hybrid mode

In the meeting portal, you are notified that you are already logged in to a physical unit and informed about the Confero Platform’s restrictions.

Click on Join meeting button. You can now participate in the meeting in hybrid mode.

Log in to the Confero Platform first, then to a physical unit

Log in to the Confero Platform as explained here.

While connected remotely to an ongoing meeting*, log in to a physical unit in the meeting room (via the badge, fingerprint, keypad code, etc.). The following pop-up window opens:

Hybrid popup window

Click on Hybrid mode button. You can now participate in the meeting in hybrid mode.


(*) When you have joined a meeting remotely via the Confero Platform and decide to log in to a physical unit in hybrid mode while you have already reached the remote meeting portal, the window will automatically switch to the hybrid meeting portal.

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