This article will explain how to add, delete and edit users in the database, and how to reset a user’s password.

To access the users database, click on the Users icon Participants database icon in the vertical menu panel of your dashboard. The users page opens:

User database overview

The page contains two tabs: Users and Participant roles.


Add Users

1. Click on the Add users button button in the top right corner of the Users Database page. The following window pops up:

User details

2. Fill in the user’s details (ID, first name, last name, badge ID, organization rights, email) and click on Add button. The user has been added in the database.

👉 Fake email addresses should not be used when onboarding new users as they will be treated as spam. In case fake emails are required, use “”, but no other domain names.

👉 The badge ID is a unique ID number that needs to be entered in the same format as the badge, e.g. “12345ab”.

💡 Do you need to enter a lot of badge IDs and want to save time? You can use a keyboard emulation tool such as Keyboard Wedge. Download the tool here, unzip the file and install the program. Then run it in combination with a badge reader: just put the badge on the reader, and the program will automatically translate the badge ID into keybard strokes as if he data were typed in the computer with a real keyboard.

3. The users will receive an invitation email asking them to register to the Confero Platform.

4. Check the colored indicators in the database to get information about the registration status of the users:

Red dot Onboarding failed: the invitation email could not be sent.
Orange dot Onboarding email sent: the user hasn’t registered yet to the Confero Platform.
Green dot Onboarding email sent: the user has registered to the Confero Platform.

Edit Users’ Details

1. To edit a user’s details, search for their name in the list or via the search bar. Then click on the More icon More icon and select Edit. The following window pops up:

Edit users details

2. Edit the user’s details and click on Edit delegate buttonto confirm.

👉 It is not possible to change the email address of a user. In case the user wants to use a new email address, it is necessary to create a new user profile and delete the old one. The old voting results will stay unchanged and will be available in the meeting reports, but the new voting sessions will be registered to the new user.

Delete Users

1. To remove a user from the database, search for their names in the list or via the search bar. Then click on the More icon More icon and select Remove. You can also remove several users at the same time by ticking the checkbox next to their names and clicking on Remove delegate button in the top right corner of the page. The following window pops up:

Remove participant

2. Click on Remove button again to confirm. The user(s) have been deleted.

👉 It is not possible to delete your own user account.

Reset Users’ Passwords

1. To reset a user’s password, search for their names in the list or via the search bar. Then click on the More icon More icon and select Send link to reset password.

2. The user will receive a notification email with a link to reset their password. Note that this link will expire after 60 minutes.

Reset password email

Participant Roles (Requires CRP 7.4)

Click on the Participant roles tab. The following page opens:

Participant roles

There are four types of users. By default, they are named as follows:

  • Delegate with voting rights only.
  • Chairperson with voting rights and meeting controls over the microphones of the participants, agenda and voting.
  • Guest with no voting nor control rights.
  • Operator with meeting controls over the microphones of the participants, agenda and voting, but no voting rights.

The types of participants will be assigned later on when creating meeting templates and preparing meetings. It means that users can have different roles in different meetings: for instance, one can be a delegate in Meeting A, a chairperson in Meeting B, a guest in Meeting C, etc.

Edit User Types Names

1. In the Participant roles tab, click on the Edit names button button  yo change the user types names. The following window pops up:

Edit names window

2. Enter the names you want to be displayed for each user.

3. Click on Save button 2 to confirm. The changes have been saved.

👉 It is not possible to edit the rights of the participant types, only the names can be changed.

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  1. Justinas January 19, 2023 at 2:34 pm - Reply

    Is it possible to change user e-mail address ?

    • Televic Conference January 20, 2023 at 12:01 pm - Reply

      Hi Justine,
      No, it’s not possible to change the email address of a user. What you can do is create a new user with the new email address. An invitation to register to Confero will be sent to the new address of the user. Then you can delete the old user account from the list.

      • Justinas January 23, 2023 at 7:56 am - Reply


        We have a situation where a user has created a new email address and wants to change it.
        If I delete the current user account from the list I will lost all voting history?

        • Televic Conference January 25, 2023 at 8:39 am - Reply

          The voting results will still be available in the meeting reports, they won’t be lost. However, after a new account is created, the new voting sessions will be registered to the new user.

  2. Catherine Angeles January 19, 2023 at 11:19 pm - Reply

    Can you delete a user during an active meeting? For example, if a person is no longer granted access to the meeting due to their behaviour, etc., can a moderator delete the user and they will be booted out of the system instantly? Is that even a possibility?

    • Televic Conference January 20, 2023 at 12:05 pm - Reply

      Hi Catherine,
      It is not possible to delete a user during an active meeting. At the moment, the only way to remove a user from a list of participants is to stop the meeting, unpublish it, remove the user, republish the meeting and start it again.

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